
7. Ping:“Comparing your first day, what do you see the difference of yourself?” (比较起来你的第一天,你看见了自己有啥不同呢?)

Jessica: “ Omg, I had no balance the first day. I was wabbly, couldn’t do most of moves, or anything like that, now I can do all of the moves. I thought bcz I had the falling arches, that would be my problem. But during the past 5 weeks, I can do all of the balancing poses.” (上帝啊,第一天我一点平衡感都没有。我摇晃着,不能做任何的动作,但是我现在都能做了。我以为是因为我扁平足的问题。但是过去的5周,我都能做各种平衡动作了。)

6. Ping: “What do you feel after you do yoga with me?” (跟我做了瑜伽后有啥感觉呢?)
Jessica: “ Relax, stable, happy. Good. All is good.” (放松、稳定、快乐。好。都很好。)

Ping: “ What’s the differences you feel for your self?” (你感觉到自己有哪些不同呢?)
Jessica: “ My day goes smoother. I am not that tensed, my shoulder is less tensed. I am able to think quicker.” (我每天的日子更顺畅了些。我不再紧张了,我的肩部没那么紧张了。我能够更快速的思考了。)”

5. Ping: What did you learn today? (你今天学到了什么?)

B: Oh, I have learned a lot today. I learned to retract my arms back. And I learned “effortless, no forcing or pushing”. That’s a lot. (我今天学到了很多。我学会了把手收回来放松。还学会了“不用力“。)

Ping smiled and said: “Arms are interconnected with the legs too. Shoulder Joint to the hip joint, elbow to knee, wrist to ankle, they are interconnected. Just relax and apply the force of earth gravity.”(手臂与腿是相合的。肩与胯、肘与膝、手腕与脚踝,它们都是相合的。只管放松,运用地球重力来练功。)

4. Gym 女孩说:“I have been doing exercises in the gym, but last week I realized my shoulder doesn’t feel well. I remembered your teaching that moment. I think I did too much weight lifting.”(我一直在健身房健身,但是上周我认识到肩不舒服了。那一刻我想起来了你教的。我认为我举了太多重量了。)

萍说:“Remember your arms function are like the tree branches? How can the arms carry so much weight? You don’t have to.“ (记得手臂的作用就跟树枝一样?手臂怎么能去支撑那么多的重量呢?你不需要。)

3. 萍问:上这两次课后你最大的收获是什么?

莎答:上了这个气瑜伽,我最大的收获就是:在这之前我一直是使劲用力的去追求一个体式,使劲的在用力追求一种形式,做每一个动作我都在很努力很努力,真的很努力。虽然我感觉自己算是一个中高级级别-体式做得非常好的,可是在我的内在呢,我几乎都在憋着气,有时候就忘了呼吸,就是很努力的在做,经常是腰酸、脖子疼,接下来在家里就要按摩的那种,接触了这个以后,真的是颠覆了我过去所有的观点,当老师告诉我放松的那一刻,那简直就是如雷灌顶,那么舒服,你知道吗?只是简单的放松,就感觉到了那种力量比我使万倍的力量更要强大,在唱诵的时候,我能唱诵得更久。原来放松与放下其实比用力更强大。 它让我的身体得到了更多的平衡,知道了智慧的原理,所以我会一路走下去。

2. 莎问:我在做Low Lunge时左胯为啥感觉到紧张呢?




  1. 萍问:你现在做COBRA的感觉有啥不一样?


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